What a month April has been! In more ways than any of us would like, to be honest. I talk about my experiences across April, before playing Chunchunner's Scraplock OTK Warlock deck. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links. 

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# 2x (0) Wisp
# 2x (1) Plague of Flames
# 1x (1) Rocket Augmerchant
# 2x (1) Shieldbearer
# 2x (1) Stonetusk Boar
# 2x (2) Bluegill Warrior
# 2x (2) EVIL Genius
# 2x (2) Expired Merchant
# 2x (2) Imprisoned Scrap Imp
# 1x (2) Kanrethad Ebonlocke
# 2x (2) Serpent Egg
# 2x (3) Sense Demons
# 1x (3) Teron Gorefiend
# 2x (3) Wolfrider
# 2x (4) Nightshade Matron
# 1x (5) Faceless Corruptor
# 2x (6) Hand of Gul'dan

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