Wilfried Schasfoort is a development economist specialized in the integrated value chain approach, business development, program development and capacity building. He has extensive experience developing local and international market development programs and was involved in the establishment of several (export) companies. Furthermore, he is an experienced manager in the development cooperation sector. He is the director of Fair & Sustainable Consulting.  Fair & Sustainable Consulting is an international consultancy company, established in 2010 and located in Utrecht, The Netherlands. They envision a world in which people in developing countries have a decent income and sustainable livelihoods. Fair & Sustainable Consulting advise their clients on how to create sustainable economic opportunities for people in developing countries, and offer advice and support on Responsible Business (CSR)Value Chain Development, and Program Management.
In this episode, Wilfried talks about the pilot of the Black Soldier Fly in Kenya. You can read about it here.
You can follow Wilfried his company via facebook and twitter .
Don't forget to check our Spotify Playlist #WalkTalkListen consisting of songs chosen by our podcast guests. The music Wilfried mentions in this episode, I could not find via Spotify, so could not be added to our playlist. You can find the album on YouTube.
Please let me/us know via our email [email protected] what you think about this particular episode and the previous ones. We would love to hear from you.
Please like/follow our Walk Talk Listen podcast and follow @mauricebloem on twitter and instagram.  Or check us out on our website 100mile.org (and find out more about our app (android and iPhone) that enables you to walk and do good at the same time!
I just finished participating in the Ration Challenge which means I ate the same rations as a Syrian refugee living in a camp in Jordan, based on food packs distributed by the Ration Challenge's local partner organization. By raising money, we'll help bring emergency food, hygiene kits and life-saving support to the people that need it most. It would be great if you can support me or the WALK TALK Listen team by donating by going to the Walk Talk Listen Ration Challenge page or please share the link with your network.

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