Recorded December 20, 2020

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Report 26, "Dr. Kary Mullis Slams Fauci & His PCR Test." 

In this episode, we will hear what Dr. Mullis has to say about Fauci and the PCR test. As stated, the test cannot be used to diagnose disease. In the end it renders false positives giving you everything and anything. Therefore, allowing the fear to drive into the hearts and souls of the public.

Dr. Kary Mullis, an expert in Molecular biology [1], invented the PCR technique. A process used by corrupt officials across the world to track the Wu Han Virus. His work awarded him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993 [2]. Before the outbreak, he passed away but left us with words we must hear.

First, unlike the liars in the medical field, Mullis spoke the truth. He stressed [3] the PCR test does not diagnose disease, period. End of story. When asked about its misuse, Kary sets the record straight. “One does not misuse the PCR test.” If done correctly, the test makes believers in the Buddhist mantra: “Everything is contained in everything else.” The test can’t show if someone’s sick or if what they have will hurt them. But when practitioners set the amplification (aka Cycle Thresholds) high enough, the test claim’s positive for anything [4].

It’s a win, win for Fauci. False positives flow, and the agenda enacted.

To prove this point, in a December 2020 study by Cambridge University [5], over nine thousand students [6] returned false positives from the PCR test. To repeat Kary’s words, the test produces the results needed for a pandemic to exist when done right. It’s manipulation at its finest.

Second, the fact we all know, because someone claims the title of a doctor does not make them one. As Mullis put it, Fauci, our favorite little weasel, lies on camera for those who pay his salary. Nothing more, and nothing less. But when the media and Mr. Fraud spin the agenda, people eat it like GMO apple pie. Each bite brings their demise. When challenged by actual scientists, he refuses to debate. Why? If called out his career and this pandemic end tonight.

Your willingness for injection or lock down will not stop the worldwide episode of fraud. Instead, the tyrants will squeeze until your last breath of air expels and your soul floats into the afterlife. The death certificate will read “COVID” as the media pushes the narrative, “Vaccines, for public health,” when in actuality it’s unnecessary toxins for profits.

These manufacturers and so-called health experts will play this crisis for every angle possible. And why not, for as an evil man once said, “never let a good crisis go to waste.”

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1. Kerry Grens. Kary Mullis, Inventor of the PCR Technique, Dies. The Scientist Magazine®–inventor-of-the-pcr-technique–dies-66256 (2019).

2. N/A. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1993. (2005).

3. Tyler Durden. Why COVID-19 Testing Is A Tragic Waste. ZeroHedge (2020).

4. Dr Kary Mullis Explains the PCR Test.

5. Dr. Ben Warne. UoC Asymptomatic COVID. (2020).

6. Tim Brown. Bombshell Cambridge Documents: Of All Positive COVID Tests Of 9,000+ Students, 100% Were FALSE POSITIVES. Sons of Liberty Media (2020).

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