Today’s witness is a recount of one that I heard yesterday on YouTube. I will put a link to this testimony video in the show notes. The testimony is about Lauren Daigle. Lauren talked about how when she was a teenager the Lord showed her what her future would look like. He showed her stages, He showed her exactly what her Lauren Daigle World Tour would look like. She didn’t know what he was showing her, but she could see crowds of people and tour buses and charts and awards and all the things, and she wasn’t even singing yet. She was a closet singer. No one knew she could sing. Her mom talked to the choir singer at their church and asked if he could put her in the choir, maybe in the back row. Anyway, she auditioned, and he gave her a song and asked her to lead the song in those two weeks. She said every decision she made in her career was based on these visions and dreams. Finally, she made it to the Lauren Daigle World Tour. It was exactly like what she had seen in her visions. She said at the beginning of the tour, God told her to “hold it loosely.” She had no idea what that meant, but she said, “OK.” She had 12 shows on her tour, and then COVID happened, and everything shut down. She was so heartbroken. She said it took her 6 months to get out of bed because she was so filled with disappointment. She was heartbroken because at 16, He showed her these visions and these dreams, and then it took her 12 years to be there to fulfill them. Then on the 12th show, it all fell apart, and the weight of disappointment was so heavy. 

The Lord is the restorer of broken dreams. She said she used to never talk about God at shows because she wanted it to be more inclusive. But she then thought, how can I talk about Love when I am not talking about Love itself? She talked to God during COVID and asked where everything went. He told her that she needed to go back to the beginning. Why did she start singing? She sings to worship, to love me, to show me you care. God said worship is the thing that proceeds a miracle. If you are desperate for a miracle and you begin to worship and worship and worship, your eyes will be so focused on the thing you are worshiping that you won’t have time to give fear, anxiety, and stress to the things of this world. He told her that she had forgotten the heart of worship. She is grateful for the time to herself during COVID because she was missing the heart of worship. She was just going through the motions, and now she is back to worshiping and not just singing. He took away her disappointment. He made her experience at her concerts so much better! 

As much as she can look back and be grateful for the shutdown now when she was in it, she was struggling. She was going at light speed before the show, and then all of a sudden, she was stopped. The whole world was stopped. She said it felt like she had whiplash because it all stopped so quickly. She struggled with a lot of anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. She was seeing a neurologist and going to therapy, just trying to figure out what was going on. She asked God to return to her the joy of my salvation. She didn’t just want to maintain, she wanted to have zeal and passion for life. When you allow God to come into the broken places, it is like this beautiful lens gets added to your eyes, and you are able to see through His eyes. It’s like you are looking through His “Glory filter.” You can even go through trials and tribulations with joy. She was finally understanding what Paul was saying when he could find contentment in all things. She started asking God for that wholeness. 

She wants to help people with loneliness. Someone asked her what she would like to leave behind as her legacy. She said she wants to be known as someone who helps to eradicate loneliness. Loneliness is such a terrible feeling. Lauren says it is the worst feeling. She said there are many people that don’t have friends and that is not ok. We all need to do something about this. She said there is an Old Testament command to love your neighbor, and we all need to be doing this better. She suggests different ways to do this. When you are in the checkout line at the store, look the cashier in the eyes and ask how they are, how their day is going, and what is going on. When you pass someone on the sidewalk, you can say hello. I hope you are having a good day. We need to stop being so busy and make time to love our neighbors. Let’s all talk to and interact with people more often!

Click Here for First Video Lauren Daigle's Sincere Testimony Gave Me Chills

Click Here for Second Video  Lauren Daigle Opens Up About Overcoming Loneliness & Finding Purpose Emotional Interview


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