Psalm 104 The Lord's Majesty (Part 3)

Psalm 104:10-13 “You make springs gush forth in the valleys; they flow between the hills,  giving drink to every wild animal; the wild asses quench their thirst.  By the streams, the birds of the air have their habitation; they sing among the branches. From your lofty abode, you water the mountains; the earth is satisfied with the fruit of your work.”

Today, we are back with Psalm 104. If you missed Monday’s episode, I Have decided to stick with Psalm 104 and break it down into smaller sections. The reason I decided on Psalm 104 is because it shows us so many things we can be grateful for, and it shows us the many ways God provides and looks out for us. Psalm 104 also shows us His power and His majesty, and I think it is a good idea to stop and think about that often. Otherwise, it can be easy to take the Lord for granted because He is always there for us, and much of what He does for us goes unnoticed because we don’t really think about how much He is doing. We think it just happens.

For instance, we take for granted the sun coming up and going down because it just happens each and every day. However, it wouldn’t happen if God didn’t make it happen. If He wouldn’t have created the earth to spin the way that it does. Today’s verse starts out talking about how God makes the springs gush for the in the valleys and how they flow between the hills, giving drink to every wild animal. Did you ever think about how great it is that there is water spread worldwide? There is water in the mountains, there are oceans of water, but then there are also streams and rivers. Then there is water under the ground that you can tap into with a well if necessary.

It’s also interesting that where water is more scarce, the Lord created the things that live there to suit their environment. In a desert, plants like the cactus have water-storing characteristics. You also have camels in a desert, and they are extremely efficient with the amount of water they use daily. They can go for about a week without having to drink water. They can also drink a lot of water in a short amount of time. A typical camel can drink 53 gallons of water in three minutes. Isn’t it amazing how God thought of everything all the earth's creatures would need and then created us to meet those needs?

Next, it says, “By the streams, the birds of the air have their habitation; they sing among the branches.” Water is important to birds, just like it is to all animals. Birds build their habitation in many different places depending on what the bird needs. Some build them on the ground, and yet they know this makes the nest more vulnerable, so they camouflage them well. Many others build them high off the ground so they won’t be so vulnerable. They make the nests out of various different materials. It depends on what they can find and what their needs are. Isn’t it amazing that God always provides for them exactly what they need?

The verse ends with, “From your lofty abode, you water the mountains; the earth is satisfied with the fruit of your work.” This part reminds us of how easy it is for God to provide for us. He doesn’t have to lift a finger. He just spoke the world into existence, and it was so perfectly made. He can sit up in heaven and command things to happen down here. I like how the verse says, “The earth is satisfied with the fruit of your work.” The earth is satisfied with His work because He thought of everything when He created the world and all its creatures.

When I think about how easily God created the world and how He thought of everything, even the smallest detail, and then made sure to provide for that detail, I feel better about the things I ask the Lord for. When I take the time to think about His marvelous creations and how he just spoke the words and the whole universe was created then it reminds me that when I ask the Lord for things, I am not asking for too much. This is something we often think. We don’t bring our little cares and worries to the Lord because we don’t want to bother Him. We don’t ask Him for healing for every ache and pain because we know how busy He is.

The thing is, He is never too busy for anything you want to bring to Him. He is not busy because what would be impossible for us to do is easy for Him to do. He is not bound by the same worldly constraints as we are. God isn’t even bound by time. All things are happening at the same time for the Lord. That means it is ok if you did not say the prayer you wanted to say for someone before they left for travel. You can still say the prayer now and it will help them because God is seeing you say that pray at the same time they are going away.  I know that is a lot to wrap your head around and we don't have to understand it perfectly. I don’t actually think it is possible to fully grasp or comprehend the majesty of God completely on this side of heaven. There is a lot that will remain a mystery and we may have many questions we want to ask God once we get to join Him for all eternity.

For now, I think it is important for us all to know that we are not asking God for too much. He is not too busy for us to come to Him with all the little things in our lives. He cares about the small things just as much as He cares about the big things. Also, there is nothing too hard for God. Sometimes, I think we hesitate to ask God for the things we really want because we think it is too big of an ask. It is too much to ask God for a complete healing of terminal cancer because the doctors said it is was possible. Guess what? All things are possible for God. It is not hard for God to cure terminal cancer. He can curse that cancer and can shrivel up and die. Did you know you can do this, too? You have the power of the Lord living inside of you. You have permission from God to speak with authority because of that power you have living inside of you.

God wants us to come to Him with everything. Good or bad, big or small, He is our Father, and He wants to hear all about it. He also likes it when we use the power we have living inside of us to help ourselves and others as well. Remember when I talked about how He created the camels and cactus with the ability to store water? God gave them what they needed to live in their environments. God did the same for us. He gave us the Holy Spirit to help us live in this world. This means we have all the power and the strength we need to survive this world. With the Holy Spirit inside of us, we have the wisdom and knowledge to do the right thing. We just need to ask. We have the power to heal. We just need to realize we have this power and use it. We have the power to resist sin. We just need to call on it.

God created us to be the people we are and He gave us all we need to live in this world that we live in. I know this world is crazy, and it seems to be falling apart. I know this world wants less and less to do with God. However, He knew this would happen. None of this is a surprise to the Lord, and He created you to live in this time. That means He knew all you would need, and He gave it to you. If you feel you lack anything right now, that is a lie from the enemy. Your Heavenly Father knew exactly what you would need and gave it to you. You have the same power that raised Jesus from the dead living inside of you. Rely on that power, call on that power. You are stronger than you think you are.

Dear Heavenly Father, we ask you to bless everyone listening to this episode today. We ask that you help us to see how perfectly you made us. We ask you to help us see how you meet all of our needs. Lord, you are amazing, you have thought of everything when you created the world. We are in awe of how perfectly you created nature to fulfill all of our needs. You are truly remarkable. Lord, we ask you to help us bring everything to you, big or small. We ask you to let us know that you want to help with everything. Help us, Lord, to discover the power we have living inside of us and help us to rely on that power more than we rely on ourselves. We love you, Lord, and we ask all of this in accordance with your will and in Jesus’s holy name, Amen!

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey to walk boldly with Jesus. If this podcast has blessed you in some way, would you consider making a donation towards the cost of production? Also, if you would share it with a friend or leave a review, that would also help. If you would like to grow closer to the Lord and would like some help, there is a link for more information about my mentoring group below. This month’s theme is Surrender. We are learning how to surrender all we have to the Lord. I hope you will join us. I look forward to meeting you all here again tomorrow. Remember, Jesus loves you just as you are, and so do I! Have a blessed day!

Today’s Word from the Lord was received in February 2024 by a member of my Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group. If you have any questions about the prayer group, these words, or how to join us for a meeting, please email [email protected]. Today’s Word from the Lord is, “Keep your eyes fixed on me. Sit in my presence so that I may fill you so that you may reach out and touch others. This is my command to you. Listen to what I say and do.”


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