Cancer survivor Christine Handy speaks openly with fellow Author and ovarian cancer advocate Jennifer Coken to teach, guide and start the important conversation of what not to say to someone with cancer. After so many whiffs from freinds to strangers, Christine's buzzfeed comically touches on a few no no's in the cancer conversation to satirize the seriousness of this topic. Stand up comic  Jennifer Coken will surely add her own medley with humor and gri to the crucial topic. Tune in to listen to these powerful voices in the cancer community as they speak to all those who need guidance. Sadly, almost everyone is touvched in one way or another by cancer, listen in for sound advice on how to support and speak to those in need of our support. It takes a community to carry canvcer patients, its critical to know how and what to say. Christine's best seller Walk Beside Me is a fictional depiction of her own jouney anmd a guide for woman to show up for woman in crisis.