We deserve better.  The armed service members in this country deserve better.  However- the sad truth is that Pvt. Bradley Manning is experiencing the US institution of torture and rendition consistent with being classified as a "terrorist". 
This is what the United States military has been reduced to: extorting us towards crushing debt to pay for torture, rape and incarceration of our own citizens when THEY TELL THE TRUTH.  
Be reminded, we may demand a different standard than, "shut up, lay down and take it without making any noise".
Daniel Ellsberg, a pioneer in the art of the leak led to a revolution in public awareness.  This was before news organizations were infiltrated by retired military plants.
It's all we can do to to just stay dedicated to blowing the whistle, until the people comes down like rain on the worst form of endurable governance in our name in US history yet.  If the Obama Administration has mishandled the affairs of Brad Manning it may lead to Nixon's fate of impeachment. 
Try to stay sane.  DO SOMETHING!