***This is a podcast for Godzilla Government:: http: www.zillamod.wordpress.com::***
People are turning on their computers to seek out Occupy Together gatherings to help represent their own interests in the economic breakdown. #OccupyTogether, organized by GlobalRevolution.es, is helping many find ways to talk back to Wall St and the US government by inviting the voices of those harmed by the economic downturn.  They are not happy with D.C. They are not happy with Wall Street's financial institutions.
In this report, many gievances are cited for too much corporate involvement with the government sector and too much government involved with the private sector.   We attended Occupy Seattle to hear the stories and the voices of those in attendance.  We also asked a few people right around the corner their opinion of current events and the protests. 
10/5 -  A breakthrough report in Bankster accountability from Steve Vogel at the Washington Post: "Suit alleges banks and mortgage companies cheated veterans and U.S. taxpayers"
Kevin Zeese, a man not afraid to name names, reports from October 2011 event, when unions *officially* join the #OccupyTogether movement.
Internet patriarch, Lawrence Lessig, comments on the American Spring:
"The arrest of hundreds of tired and unwashed kids, denied the freedom of a bullhorn, and the right to protest on public streets, may well be the first real green-shoots of this, the American spring. And if nurtured right, it could well begin real change."
Counter weights:
Anonymous call to action: Some refute claims to erase NYSE on October 10th as a "fake planted operation by law enforcement and cyber crime agencies."
"Occupy the Fed," says conservative alt-media talk host, Alex Jones on 11-22-2011. Federal Reserve chair, Ben Bernanke says, "I can't blame them."