For years, I've been asked about group offerings as a way to mitigate costs for coaching, and to benefit from multiple perspectives at once. Because I offer a peer-expert model of coaching, each of us are in the wisdom seat of our own journey. When we work in groups, there can be exponential growth as we support each other and learn from one another. After years of speaking and workshop offerings, I'm really excited to start this online group coaching format. We're going to have a lot to cover, and I know each participant will offer a unique views that will root and connect all of us. Thus the metaphor of aspen trees.

The Aspen Grove is a new offering of group coaching, designed to give folks a way to get involved who do not have means or access to individual coaching, or want to supplement individual coaching with group work. This work has come out of much consideration, first contemplated via what a few of us called the Mad Spiritual Collective. Each group is donations-based with a suggested donation of 20 USD. If you or a loved one is interested, please fill out the form offered to get involved...