Wake Up Take A Minute Podcast presents; Don't You Want me to be Happy? Episode 89 with your Host Andrea Holman!


“I don't know about you but my daughter wears me out trying to make her happy. She constantly asks/wants/NEEEEDS something, someone or an experience! It's enough to drive Momma Insane!”

In this episode, Andrea talks authentically about seeking the difference between Happiness and what she believes her daughter and most other kids are actually seeking! What is it they are seeking?

Joy! It doesn't matter if you are talking about Happy Meals, Ice Cream or Playdates- - - - -Happiness and Joy are usually assigned the same meaning & used interchangeably, when in reality they are very different!

One is Fleeting! The Other Sustainable! Which one is Which? Let's find out!

How do we find Joy in life? By seeking the One who brings us Joy!

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