WAKE UP TAKE A MINUTE podcast with host ANDREA HOLMAN presents a NEW SERIES on Women In History!

The 1st woman I will highlight is, Proverbs 31 Woman! She is the 1st BIBLE BOSS LADY!!! That’s Right! I will share some Fun Insights & how she really does have it all!!

Why Does She Have It All? She is Operating in her Purpose and her Focus is Spot On!!

So Let’s Have Some Fun & Break Down the First Bible Boss Lady!

#biblebosslady #proverbs31 #proverbsthirtyonewoman #proverbs31woman #heartwork​#soniajacksonmyles​ #thesisteraccord​ ​ #wakeuptakeaminute​ #andreaholman​ #singer​ #songwriter​ #author​ #storyteller​ #podcast #wakeuptakeaminutepodcast​ #tellittuesday​ #iquitthefamily​ #beyoucauseimtaken​ #podcast​ #beauthentic​ #blessings​ #tentrevival​ #sassysincebirth​ #encourage​ #heygodlywoman​ #faith #nashvilleartist​ #inspirationalcountry​ #motherhood​ #raisingkids