Show Opens with discussions on these Topics; RIP Eddie Van Halen, How long will Mike & Troy stay in NYC if things don't get better? Why would anyone sucker punch Rick Moranis? What would you name the next hurricane? & If you could Time Travel, would you go back to the past or into the future?

Word of the Day "Apodyopsis"

Make It Funny Stories

"Hypnotist sexually assaulted clients", "Herd of charging cows in England kill second man in month", "Woman arrested for using 6 children steal Trump campaign signs", "The New York town of Swastika votes to keep its name", ‘Drunk’ man has 13-year-old drive him to get ice cream, charged with endangering a child", "I tried the foreskin facial treatment – so you don't have to", & "Elderly woman (71) is the suspected getaway driver for burglar gang"

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