Special Edition of the Wake Up Late with Dougie Show "In Times of Crisis"

In Times of Crisis, there exists a set societal rules, suggested to those who are amidst that crisis.  Dougie has felt the need to share that with all of you.  Let's do what we need to do, together, to get through this together.

In Straight From the Headlines

'Game Zero?' Soccer Game Attended by 40,000 Fans Likely Made This Italian City a Coronavirus Epicenter", "Chinese students fleeing virus-hit U.S. pay $20,000 for seats on private jets", "Coronavirus fuels toilet paper buying spree, California officials implore people not to flush t-shirts, wipes", "Missouri woman gives birth in Walmart toilet paper aisle", "Italian priest accidentally live streams mass with Facebook filters active", "Cannabis lobby warns against smoking due to coronavirus", "Condom shortage looms after coronavirus lockdown shuts world's top producer", "Uranus, No Joke, Is Leaking Gas" & "Customer leaves $10,000 tip, anonymously, in Florida restaurant"

Thanks for Listening & Stay Safe & Well!