Show Opens with discussions on: WILL COMEDY SURVIVE COVID, WILL PRO SPORTS SURVIVE COVID & RACIAL DIVIDE?,Boycotts / Goya & Five Guys, & In lieu of Jada Pinkett Cheating on Will Smith, What is your worst cheating story, either the cheater or the cheated.

Word of the Day: ENTANGLEMENT

Then It's Time for "Joke Write" Today's guest compete to write the best joke using these stories from the headlines:

"Man stacks 485 Jenga blocks in Guinness record-breaking tower", "Martial artist completes 152 knee strikes wearing 11-pound weight", "Jacket loaned to friend with $75,000 winning lotto ticket in pocket", "Cat rescued after two weeks with head stuck in plastic jar" & "Naked Cowboy chased off by NYC protesters who say he was 'antagonizing' at City Hall"

Thanks for Listening