Today's Topics

Friends, Family & Covid, Seems some people are agains celebrating the 4th of July, US Military is having a hard time getting new recruits, Any ideas on how to improve that? Vladimir Putin says it would be discusting to see other world leaders shirtless, Who would you not want to see shirtless? & is Artificial Intelligence a danger to humanity?

The News is a Joke

"No more blasting the car radio across Florida. New law means fines for drivers jamming out", "Mom accused of flashing inmates as her kids played now faces prison time, PA judge says", "Mafia drops ban on homosexuality after discovering mob boss’ son is a fabulous drag queen", "Chilean man who was accidentally paid 330 times his salary resigns, then vanishes", "60-Person Carnival Cruise Brawl Was Ignited by Alleged Threesome: Report", "Beer Made From Recycled Toilet Water Wins Admirers in Singapore", "Mayor marries alligator in white wedding dress for ancient ritual – they even kissed", & "Scientist Warns Men’s Penises Are Shrinking And It Could Have Big Effect On Mankind’s Survival"

Thanks for Listening