Show Opens with discussions on these topics; Dougie is about to fly into a winter storm for feature money, Bad Valentine's Day Stories, Cancel Culture's new Victims, Tik Tok Challenges are exposing societies morons, & Dougie says Cuomo needs to be locked up

The News is  Joke

"7 Year Old Boy Rescued After Getting Stuck in Trash Bin", "Arkansas Farmer: ‘I Just Tried to Forget’ About Killing and Molesting Nurse", "Florida Man Steals Rings from One Girlfriend to Propose to Another", "Teens with AR-15 try carjacking man, but he thinks gun is a toy", "Beverly Hills police are playing Beatles songs to avoid being filmed on Instagram", "'STUNNING ADMISSION' Pentagon admits it has been testing wreckage from UFO crashes & findings may ‘change our lives forever,', "& "MIGROAN Orgasms work as well as drugs for curing migraines, says brain expert"

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