Daniel discusses his challenges with server management and data handling.
We discuss optimizing clusters, tuning ingestion, queries and compaction.
PWA's are back on iOS in the EU
We are open for sponsorship! email us at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Our Slack is open to all, contact us via our fedi links below or at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Enjoy the show,
Dave ✨ und Daniel 🚀
Show Notes
Daniel's screenshot on Mastodon (https://social.telemetrydeck.com/@daniel/112050596600927473)
Our Links
Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/@WaitingForReview)
Website (https://www.waitingforreview.com)
TelemetryDeck (https://telemetrydeck.com/?source=wfr)
GoVJ (https://govjapp.com)
Email us! (mailto:[email protected])
Social Media
WFR on Mastodon (https://iosdev.space/@waitingforreview)
Dave on Mastodon (https://social.lightbeamapps.com/@dave)
Daniel on Mastodon (https://social.telemetrydeck.com/@daniel)

Daniel discusses his challenges with server management and data handling.
We discuss optimizing clusters, tuning ingestion, queries and compaction.
PWA's are back on iOS in the EU

We are open for sponsorship! email us at [email protected]

Our Slack is open to all, contact us via our fedi links below or at [email protected]

Enjoy the show,

Dave ✨ und Daniel 🚀

Show Notes

Daniel's screenshot on Mastodon

Our Links

Email us!

Social Media


WFR on Mastodon
Dave on Mastodon
Daniel on Mastodon