I’m joined by David Niemeijer, founder and CEO of AssistiveWare.
AssistiveWare make Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) apps, that help many people communicate better in their lives. AssistiveWare have a long history of Apple applications and iOS, and so I thought I’d get him on the show to talk more about how they started and what they do.
We talk product development, market fit, and the counter intuitive aspect of pricing that enables both sustainability of the product and the ability to reach users that benefit.
David ✨
* https://www.assistiveware.com (https://www.assistiveware.com)
* https://www.assistiveware.com/products/proloquo2go (https://www.assistiveware.com/products/proloquo2go)
* David Niemeijer on Twitter (https://twitter.com/niemeijerd)
* David Gary Wood on Twitter (https://twitter.com/davidgarywood)
* Waiting For Review on Twitter (https://twitter.com/wfrpodcast)
* waitingforview.com (https://www.waitingforreview.com) Special Guest: David Niemeijer.

I’m joined by David Niemeijer, founder and CEO of AssistiveWare.

AssistiveWare make Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) apps, that help many people communicate better in their lives. AssistiveWare have a long history of Apple applications and iOS, and so I thought I’d get him on the show to talk more about how they started and what they do.

We talk product development, market fit, and the counter intuitive aspect of pricing that enables both sustainability of the product and the ability to reach users that benefit.

David ✨


David Niemeijer on Twitter
David Gary Wood on Twitter
Waiting For Review on Twitter

Special Guest: David Niemeijer.

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