In recent weeks, K-pop fans have come out in droves online to mobilize against anti-Black racism and police brutality, causing a Dallas Police Department app to crash, and overwhelming the #WhiteLivesMatter hashtag with content of their favourite Korean pop idols to drown out white supremacists. This weekend, they even managed to sabotage a Trump rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Today, we’re joined by Billboard’s K-pop correspondent Tamar Herman and fandom writer Stitch to talk about what’s behind these efforts and why they’re so successful.

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In recent weeks, K-pop fans have come out in droves online to mobilize against anti-Black racism and police brutality, causing a Dallas Police Department app to crash, and overwhelming the #WhiteLivesMatter hashtag with content of their favourite Korean pop idols to drown out white supremacists. This weekend, they even managed to sabotage a Trump rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Today, we’re joined by Billboard’s K-pop correspondent Tamar Herman and fandom writer Stitch to talk about what’s behind these efforts and why they’re so successful.

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