Hello And Welcome Back To The Waffle-Free Storytelling Podcast!

We're in the thick of Guest Week! Yesterday you heard four tales from Tracey Konstant. Today you're hearing a story written and told by Adrian Konstant...

Here's What Adrian Says About "The Dollhouse":

"From my earlier days, I recall a friend's mother, who used to build ornate dollhouses. It was strange to me at the time, and also just a little creepy.

Once I knew that the protagonist of this story was a man who I was going to punish for his choices, the idea for The Dollhouse came to mind and the pieces started coming together.

Now bear in mind that our character is ultimately punished BUT he also gets his ultimate wish... a double-edged sword to reflect the life we all have: you can have what you want, but at what cost?"

Tina here...

Thank you for joining in, Adrian!!

For more about Adrian, his movies and what he's up to, jump onto these links:

Fable Forest FilmsAdrian Konstant on IMDbMy Huntsville Muse: Their award winning short

When you've enjoyed this freaky tale, you're welcome to visit https://tinakonstant.com/ and enjoy more waffle-free storytelling.



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