PWTorch editor Wade Keller presents the Mailbag Friday edition of the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Podcast with guest cohost and PWTorch VIP analyst Todd Martin. They answer emails on the following topics: AEW’s business model and how it might be less wrestler-empowering than once some envisioned, has UFC and MMA in general reached its peak in terms of mainstream acceptance as a sport, why does pro wrestling do contract signings on camera sometimes, does ratings matches take away from enjoying the product, should a five star system be changed to a 20 point system, what should be capitalized in pro wrestling writing especially as it relates to moves or stipulations, is Becky Lynch WWE’s top star and will she be blamed for this downtime the way Diesel is for the WWF stint he headlined, is the New Japan format of mostly undercard tag matches something worth WWE’s consideration, can AEW sustain major league looking TV events in terms of full arenas if their show is weekly, El Phantasmo-Ricochet marketing comparison, should WWE target wrestlers with personalizes and charisma first and teach them how to wrestles second, why does WWE create a weekly impression cards aren’t booked ahead of time on TV, is this Wildcard nonsense the most depressing attempt to spark interest in a failing product, have wrestling angles been direct ripoff of movies, what if Roman Reigns dropped in NXT today as a new prospect, should WWE create a top heel wrestler or faction, where does Jon Moxley fit into AEW’s roster, why doesn’t WWE treat new stars like the NBA does draft picks, would paying a wrestler $10 million and publicizing it create a big star, and will Aleister Black’s promos damage his Smackdown character?

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