PWTorch editor Wade Keller presents the Thursday Flagship edition of the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Podcast with guest cohost Todd Martin, the star of the VIP podcast "The Fix with Todd Martin (and Wade Keller)." They answer questions on the following topics on this episode...

Would WWE have sued Chris Jericho if he hosted the C.M. Punk podcast interview instead of Colt Cabana?
Could Sasha Banks show up at an AEW show under a mask to get out of her WWE contract?
Why did the WWWF create fictional title matches for Buddy Rogers and Pat Patterson?
Why doesn’t Vince McMahon seem to embrace heel managers?
Why didn’t any other sports become fixed or a work like pro wrestling over the decades?
Which WWE wrestler most deserved to be on the Summerslam card who was left off?
Why didn’t WWE have Bret Hart come out in front of the fans at Summerslam?
Should New Japan have more consistent enforcement of a lot of their rules?
Why did Bob Backlund come back in the early 1990s and have a short title reign?
Why did Vince McMahon call up Kairi Sane given how he has utilized her on the main roster?
Can a title change hands by DQ in a two-out-of-three falls match?
Did you catch Randy Orton telling the ref to stop giving him time cues at Summerslam?
Is AEW tipping its hand who will become the first AEW World Champion based on future matches?
What happened to Eric Bugenhagen?
How can WWE say its smallest wrestlers are 205 pounds, which would make them UFC Light-Heavyweights?
What were New Japan’s shortcomings during its dark ages compared to WWE’s weaknesses today?
Who should be the centerpiece star of the AEW’s Women’s Division?
Who are your favorite King of the Ring winners?
Will New Japan have Kota Ibushi challenge both Okada and Naito for their titles at WrestleKingdom?
Are wrestlers these days overdoing it with selling how beat up they are after winning matches?
Who would most benefit from winning the King of the Ring tournament this year?
How did Hulk Hogan come across in the Steve Austin Podcast interview?
What is the background of New Japan announcers Rocky Romero and Chris Charlton?
Was miscommunication to blame for the initial fallout between Colt Cabana and C.M. Punk?

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