Almost 40: The largest population of us are almost 40- welcome to the next level kids.
- Learn the difference between assets and liabilities
- Gain momentum, wisdom and confidence
- Gain and grow your own inner space - stop looking into outers pace; look inward and learn
- If someone wrote a eulogy about you what would they say about you today?
- "Live Life as if Everything is Rigged in Your Favor"- Rumi
- Not all will share your good morals and good values -accepting this is reality and a wake up call
- Keep forth the good work, there will be a threshold that will peak within all social media, real estate, investments etc- this means
-Have a stable means of real income - (not social posting) and know the bubble will always burst, be prepared, be smarter
- You do not have to buy into the HYPE! Fuck what everyone else is doing - do you.
- From 30-40 what are you doing with your life to improve and help others? What are your greatest contributions
- I do genuinely still believe that everyone has a good heart and they have the ability to change and live a life that they have dreamed of
- Admit that you are not perfect & perfection does not exist
- The bigger your platform or success grows, the more hater, jealous individuals and hardships will come
- You can recalibrate what really is of plus value in your life & detach from tech
- Get Financially smart with your own CPA - don't be dumb and listen to others who have nothing in common with your finances
- I still believe that integrity will always win and perhaps -- doing something that matters
- set the trends, set the tones, be the change. Happy Birthday to all you 1982 crazy kids. My Little Pony Forever xx ck