- what can we learn from the history of war? how can we look and draw more depth from our past and our history's past in our present?
- A 60 Minutes piece worth watching: heroic Slava Ukraini! https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ukraine-refugees-poland-russia-60-minutes-2022-03-06/

- NPR list please to donate to those in need: https://www.npr.org/2022/02/25/1082992947/ukraine-support-help

- IRC Rescue.org

- NetworkforAmimals.org

Please donate, $5 or $10 makes a difference

- Remember where you come from, remember empathy is lasting and compassion is free

- Be good to your next door neighbors, help when you can and remember karma is a real thing, be kind to others
- When things are rough - there is always learning and a gift- look out for both

- Lastly practice prayer for others when you have nothing left to give, compassion and prayer- helping your next door neighbors, understand history, pay attention to the things that matter - not material things or social media
- treat everyone as equals, the color of your skin, beliefs or ethnicity should not matter - we are all human
with love and prayers to all refugees, ck