why business should be infinitely inspiring  + its a good time to start your dream business   1- there are multiple ways to start a biz: types: INC, S Corp, C Corp; each state has different paperwork     2- find someone: biz partner, lawyer or a mentor to help you to launch your Corp: check BizFilings.com and LegalZoom.com    3- share the same morals//values with your team and those who surround your business: love + support is vital to a healthy business. What do you stand for? What's your set of guidelines?   4- why - whats the why? the who? the how? the what?  here's mine for example:    I will leave a lasting legacy for my family + friends  I will live to create, inspire and empower other women + pave the way, pioneering doors for you.   5- save funding on your own: open: business bank accounts: checking and savings    6- hire: smarter, better, faster, much more talented individuals at their specific trade. Excellence matters most.    7- be flexi in a pandemic: be open to change. let the ebb and flow go in and out, let things go --    8- be someone you want to emulate one day, be someone everyone can respect.        9- be kind to everyone, even when it sucks, especially when it sucks.     10. make clean and clear decisions, its not personal, its business: read: Don Miguel Ruiz "The Four Agreements" for more intel on not taking things personal.    11- its not always about $$ - essentials are what matter: work on a legacy that can last a lifetime. Be proud of your legacy work: men and women respect women who are smart and have a solid foundation + a solid business that stands the test of time.    12- give back -- org non profit -- paying forward: this is important and its karma.    13 - feel good supported- love + support are essential, stay healthy while running a biz   14- you cant take the money to the grave: so share, invest in other women, give other women a chance -- invest, invest, invest,