Dear grandma and grandpa -- here’s how us millennials are doing 

Putting perspective into the story + understanding this situation to better find peace within this time.

Episode 48- Dear Grandma and Grandpa: 

Here's how us millennials are doing 

Stay home, please.   Cook more at home: order my books asap: fave 3? Clean Green Eats, Kintsugi Wellness, Clean Green Drinks  What are you doing to help? -- write it down  Glimpse into what our grandparents went through.  Lesson -- find the value in this growth period   Race --  --we can all be the change to help.  "you cannot drive out hate with hate, only love can do that"  - MLK    Be the change you wish to see, stop talking about it and complaining and start doing more to help others. Get gorgeous, extra tips on how to get hot and take better care in this bonus time  Keep it extra  Get your shit together, now -- this is a great opportunity to utilize and take action.   Practice finding peace within this perspective and process.  DONATE TO THOSE IN NEED:   Follow Natural Born Leaders Jose Andres Sophia Amoruso  Dave Ramsey

take great care of yourself + one another + pass this on to a friend + 5 star review xx xx ck