The Survival Guide to Quarantine Life: Living your best quarantined life

- Boss up + start volunteering its not about you:

- wellness in the schools + health corps - look them up! tell me what you're doing to help others these days? 

-Make each other laugh: Coming to America from -- watching in 1st grade lol  

- Cook every meal of everyday -- this helps w better nutrition, mental health and creates a full-circle relationship w yourself.   

-Start a new workout routine  -- Tracy Anderson Online -- amazing!

-Find a quarantine crush you can flirt w all day and get bad -- as much as you’d like -- texting//calls! 

follow: CandiceKumai on Tik Tok xx 

Take advice for women by women!

Arianna -- thrive + huff post  Sophia -- girlboss Ladies get paid Well + good  Vogue Master class w anna wintour  Podcasts: almost 30, rosie acosta, sahara rose, 

- Get your inspiring friends on a zoom 

- Reach out to the friends who are down

-Educate yourself, read read read, write, listen, read 

- Cry when you need to, no judgement

-Start letting go, accept, practice less judgment 

-Use the Tokyo 2021 Olympics as an example -- they shifted and set the date -- making hard and fast decisions! 

-You will be remembered by the actions you take now + cumulatively what you do now, by staying home... 

-Monks: the monks in the mountains -- they pray to being light into dark places, knowing this: dark places do exist 

-Practice grace and harmony -- remember perfection is a myth!

-This too shall pass 

 - I answer all of your qs! xx ck 

follow: CandiceKumai on Tik Tok xx