Dear Little Candice, 

Here are 10 legit things, I wish I could tell you.. but, I'd rather you dream, learn and grow on your own.. look at how good you turned out!? LOL xx 


xxx Off to Japan in the morning ... to crush more dreams xxx I almost can't believe it xx 

10 Things I Wish I Told My Younger Self: The Legit Gangsta Ways💝💛

1- Don't Rush Anything. 

2- Hard Work will Get you Everywhere: Kaizen 

3- Date as much as you want, for reals tho.. don't settle 

4- Be Honest 

5- When you Lose Yourself, Wabi Sabi -- Perfectly Imperfect 

6- Be Kind Whenever Possible, everyone is fighting a battle 

7- Friends Will come and go, and that's okay. 

8- Love is really the only thing that matters, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you

9- Dreams Will Come True, but not overnight 

10- Live in the present moment, its all we really have

Ganbatte ne, off to complete the journey xx

ki yo tsukete, ne! xx ck