taking a break from NY to travel +restart my perspective on life wasnā€™t easy: gratefully, Iā€™ve found, itā€™s been worth it. hereā€™s what Iā€™ve learned so far + hope this can help you on your next reset:Ā 

1- Very Little: thereā€™s very little thatā€™s actually important: health, family, friends, laughter, being yourself, creating, freedom + chillinĀ 

2- Being Genuinely Happy For Others: to me, this feels really fking good. I want everyone to find great love + from the depths of my soul, I wish for all to find contentment in their hearts, even when our paths are not the same. Embrace one another.Ā 

3- I Canā€™t Change People: I can work to better myself + accept that everyone is doing their best. I can work on my heart + mind at anytime.Ā 

4- Expectation Isnā€™t Reality. I gotta meditate and surf on this more! but perception is also not reality. This, I found, I like who I am in real life way more than for work. + maybe thereā€™s a a hybrid to mesh more of both in my upcoming endeavors.Ā 

5- Showing: the space Iā€™ve given myself, being in nature + w all my childhood friends has shown me my capacity to love, the true love between my surfboards + I never died. I moved to NY to make my dreams come true + I picked them right back up. I hope you can give yourself this same time/space to do the same.. be gentle, be kind.Ā 

6- Go Slow: Rushing never did anything but stress all of us NY magazine editors out; for what? For an issue to hit stands like OMG!! Slow + steady, thoughtful, stillness, meaningful work, more time can work more magic.

7- this life: itā€™s not perfect, itā€™s draining, itā€™s gonna suck +Ā  totally f you over ā€” and youā€™re gonna come out of it golden.Ā  Iā€™m on 3 startups: LA, NY, Paris, Tokyo, Poland + no guys, sh ainā€™t easy - but itā€™s worth it. like all imp things in life. .

If Iā€™m living proof, ā€”- good things happen to good people. You donā€™t have to do what everyone else is doing. You donā€™t have to take everyoneā€™s advice. let go

You will have to be patient + try to help as many people as you can.Ā 

Found within the blurred lines ā€”-there is a pursuit of greatness + to find that one last deep breath. Weā€™ve got a big calling ahead of us ā™„ļø