It's that season babes, the season where we have the opportunity to make more space with our life and our time...

In my two months of non-stop travel out of New York I've learned a lot... mostly, the little things: 

friends, fam, health, laughter, nature, girlfriend BFF time, surfing, barre, hot asses.. all of that ... even scotch, pizza and pasta. 

traveling by myself, reading more books I love and letting go.. 

in this pod, I'll share how to practice gratitude in your heart + how the little blessings are the BIG ones. + how the worst travel day of the season, helped me to appreciate all of the things I have. 

that's it. please share this podcast with two besties this week + get my book kintsugi wellness ASAP as a gift for your three BFFs this holiday!

thanks for being such a babe xx ck