hi friends, ep 23 has arrived! 

had to take a mini break last week bc shit ain't perfect here -- I was on the mend for a few personal things xx all is going to be all g x

with all of the hate we've been seeing all over the news these days, its becoming hard to believe that we implement very little  to stop hate from being published all over the web.

I've got a few haters who love writing negative comments about me, when they have no idea what it's been like to walk this line for 15 years. Completely self-made + a solo business owner, and sadly, they come with the territory.

What we can do as a community to gather more strength and love? to better come together as a community?

-The best practice I can show you? -- Giving more grace 

-I'm not perfect --I have a lot of work to do, but practicing grace is what we can give, its what we can do and what we can be -- graceful. 

-In this podcast, we will discuss more on grace ..

-How to practice it, how to give it, how to receive it. 

- grace is empathy

- grace is compassion

- grace is time

- grace is endurance 

- grace is not ego, its not having to be right, its taking the high road

- grace is swallowing your pride + showing up for others

- grace is acceptance and moving forward

- grace is love xx 

-It's not just about telling you or showing you, I want you to feel the grace, and be the grace ...practice ... exercise your grace + watch the benefits rise!

+PLUSSSS I answer ALL of your burning questions

Thanks for being so amazing xx pls write a POSITIVE podcast review on iTunes + drown out the hate, with love! Write to me on Instagram! @CandiceKumai I always write back!

with thanks and in gratitude with grace, Candice xxxx