In reflection - next year marks my 20 years since I was the youngest chef to compete on Bravo's Top Chef - things that have made me? and what's worked well -- or -- not? Take a Listen xx and pls share with two friends!

Be a good Person - while this does not seem to be valued in our society these days -- I can tell you that if I still exist and you still exist - we can certainly reward goodness, purity and those who do care about being a good person - do not follow or reward those who get work and attention from poor and classless actions//behavior 

Don't expect anyone to hand you a job. You're going to have to get out there and work for it 
Be weary that not everyone will like you - be strong enough to love yourself - especially when things fall apart -- let them - if they are meant to be - they will come back the stronger your mental health the more you'll fly -- those who are the strongest in mental wellness and health - those who are the most real - those are the ppl I've seen FLY- bc they don't have to live with all of their shitty demons at night 
Hot Bodies only come from working out & eating well exercise, eating fresh fruits, veggies, whole foods and cooking real delish foods- Have Grace for everyone. Tough mental wellness 
Take advice with a grain of salt - and only from someone far wiser and more accomplished than you Know people will talk about you- they will be cruel and they will let you down -- this is sadly, life and -- as we say in japanese "Shikata ga nai" - it cannot be helped Times will change - you may be at the top one year and have fallen the next -- keep going -- because martha & julia child didn't make it BIG until their 50's!! Instant success is not lasting and it's not for everyone - most of us will not have a "viral" moment - therefore its best to work hard, perform in quality work within integrity, do something meaningful and keep going- they right people will give you opportunity at the right timeDo not compare your journey to anyone else's  - it's impossible to be the same and will never be the same - there will always be someone thinner, smarter, prettier and richer than you
learn to let go of he people and things that cause suffering - is optional - opt out inner tranquility and peace - this is what to seek - not happiness - happiness is fleeting Read more books by solid authors -- vs online crap and trash - watch out for scammers, fakes, wannabes and con artists - the are everywhere & stay away from them Most of the time my mother was right - I fought her for a very long time - until we became friends a few years ago - I slowly had less resistance and more of my life made sense Cynthia - Cynthia from top chef was always my real friend - she and I had the biggest age gap on top chef - and yet we became the closest - find the ally that believed in you - especially when nobody else did - we went on to do big things, together and apart but mostly - the success we have is internal and its not shared openly to the public - not all success stories need to be bragged or boasted about - sometimes sits just for you It is better to be respected & to seek merit - than to be beautiful, successful in finance or in power - trust me - respect is all I have ever focused on - and that's made the biggest difference in my career. 
Gratitude for the small things I do have - this is what makes life worth living & share it with others along the way - Kindness is the most powerful resource to success - because at the end of the day kindness is all we've got.