It's time to do the work bae, you ready? Because you know, I don't play-- It's all real deal here + here's the key on how I was able to survive my media and publishing career -- and being thrown to the wolves. ... it was always my friends. 

Friends, how important are they to you? They're vital to your survival and to your success in this one lifetime. Be good to them -- don't just tell -- show them + show up. 

Let's talk about the ebb and flow of friendship- no, friendship is not found without flaws --- friendship is the epitome of wabi wabi -- its perfectly imperfect. I've been crushed by some "friends" and some lovers over the years + I have moved on from them, with kintsugi and grace.  How we value one another, matters. Here's what you can do in this week's episode for one another:  Compassion, practice more compassion for one another, keep calm and cool. Non-Judgement - we can all do the work on ourselves and judge less, try meditating, volunteering more + working in the service industry for others.  "Yuimaru" - your inner circle of friends in Japanese this is vital  Lifelong Friends, be good to them + show them, don't tell, show up -- be a good friend in real life.  Work Relationships, we can value them just as much as our life-long friends and friends IRL. Be good to those you work with  Support one another, sincerely  Listen to others, its free. We need more listeners + less noise

Love you + please pick up my book Kintsugi Wellness! 

+ Give us a FIVE STAR review on iTunes asap! This free- no-ad podcast is here only because a writer, I want to be of better, free service to you. 

My new book + podcast are being called the very new guidebook + podcast to healing + real-life, real-deal wellness. xxx ck