Spiritual Wellness is different for everyone.
We live in a world where we can learn to see other's beliefs and values. Let's choose to respect and honour all beliefs: (not just yours). Open your small and narrow mind this year.
Follow those with a resume & decades of experience - trust me it will change your life
Be yourself and be vulnerable - being fake AF is out, sorry.
Humility - grace- merit - these things matter.
Look to the light in this world - that's what Kintsugi is.
Look to the Divine Timing of how your life unfolds, and carry faith with you.
Accept things are unjust and they will never be fair - and its okay!
You are so good and you have all the tools you need to be a better wellness practitioner.
Wellness and Spirituality are FREE - don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Look to people and partners who fill your heart with joy and love! This is a simple practice.
How to Become ONE with others
Continue to focus on respect and merit. Continue your journey of truth and authenticity,
Because soon the world will change and the cream will ride//the pendulum will swing
And where will you be? Ask yourself - how can you be just 10% better than yesterday? What have you learned today?
Remind your girlfriends - how amazing they are! There's plenty of room for success for everyone! All good spiritual practitioners know -- your time will come, be patient. Be kind, be loving.
Be easy on you - be soft be the light! you are bright -- thank you for listening & please share with 3 friends + write that juicy 5 star review! Love xx Candice