..so the story continues... you'll hear about three different life scenarios on wabi sabi podcast episode 10: one from a perfect stranger, from a Tokyo-Born-Indian, on the other side of the world, one of my own I stumbled across in Fiji, and one that was given to the people of Japan and the world.

Each of these stories has the small potential to impact your life, but only in the way you'd like for it to. You allow how you'd like for each of these stories to impact you.

After SXSW I received an email about how my SXSW speaking event Β helped to mend a family and their trauma.Β 

The story was so touching, I had to share it with all of you...

When I went to Turtle Island Fiji this past year to study the local culture and food .. I stumbled across a woman named Deb, who forever changed my life. "We are all okay", "all is okay" + you don't even need to know someone very long, to know, you love them.Β 

Their is a city in Japan, that became a historical place, a place of kintsugi.. in 1945 at 9:15 am. It even hurts to write out about these events. But You'll be able to hear about the recovery from broken to beautiful.Β 

How to do the work + where to find it.Β 

I hope you love episode 10, its short and very sweet + I also answer a few of your juicy IG questions! Send me your notes on Instagram on my latest post -- just comment!

get kintsugi wellness now!Β 

+ See you on my Instagram stories + on the Today Show Aug 8th!

xx ckΒ