🐅Tiger Mom Survival Guide:

Welcome: Episode Six 6️⃣

- this one is for all you mixed kids, Asian kids & my homies that got kicked around ⚡️⚡️⚡️+ its time for 2018, the year of REAL.

Here’s what you will learn in today's episode:

How I struggle, how I have endured, how I have pushed myself, how I have created change --Welcome, the Tiger Mom Survival Guide:

1- practice Wabi Sabi: live with the notion all is perfectly imperfect - life will not be perfect forever. What made my sister and I so different from everyone else? We were raised with tough love + as realists. There was no sugar-coating or telling us how "great" we were. Tough love helps to raise incredible + creative entrepreneurs.

2- grace + humility: will always win. I don’t care who you are, being kind to everyone, just the same is key. Practice mindfulness & please work on dropping your ego, drop your sense of entitlement. How my mother showed me grace + never told me about grace.

3- legacy: do something that would make your tiger 🐯 mom proud. Why be basic? Why copy? Why complain? Do something grand to help others & do it well— Ganbatte: translates to: Always do your best in Japanese. Have the anthem of "Ganbatte" inside of you!

4- how to: get back up: they’re gonna push you, punch you in the face & and you’re gonna get right back up. Show people your talents — don’t tell. Nobody cares, especially not tiger mom —-about your talking — show me something good.

5- kaizen: you’ve got to continuously improve as the Japanese do — there is nor start of finish line in the race of life— we all start at the same mark— but those who are more talented & willing to take the beating & get right back up—— the adversity is real.

Now, go crush your work week — tiger mom doesn’t care about pity — she doesn’t care about your ego— she def doesn’t care about your social feed —-she wants you to leave a real #legacy ( https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/legacy/ ) — something tangible & real — one so grand —- she’d be proud to call you her child.

Please keep in  mind: all of my notes are free, actionable — take it or leave it: check out my new book Kintsugi Wellness! ( https://www.amazon.com/Kintsugi-Wellness-Japanese-Nourishing-Spirit/dp/0062669850/ref=nodl_ )

its the perfect gift for self-love + acceptance, healing + humility.

See you: On The Today Show July 9th + Dr Oz July 16th!!  love you xxx ck

🐅Tiger Mom Survival Guide:

Welcome: Episode Six 6️⃣ 

- this one is for all you mixed kids, Asian kids & my homies that got kicked around ⚡️⚡️⚡️+ its time for 2018, the year of REAL. 

Here’s what you will learn in today's episode:

How I struggle, how I have endured, how I have pushed myself, how I have created change --Welcome, the Tiger Mom Survival Guide: 

1- practice Wabi Sabi: live with the notion all is perfectly imperfect - life will not be perfect forever. What made my sister and I so different from everyone else? We were raised with tough love + as realists. There was no sugar-coating or telling us how "great" we were. Tough love helps to raise incredible + creative entrepreneurs. 

2- grace + humility: will always win. I don’t care who you are, being kind to everyone, just the same is key. Practice mindfulness & please work on dropping your ego, drop your sense of entitlement. How my mother showed me grace + never told me about grace. 

3- legacy: do something that would make your tiger 🐯 mom proud. Why be basic? Why copy? Why complain? Do something grand to help others & do it well— Ganbatte: translates to: Always do your best in Japanese. Have the anthem of "Ganbatte" inside of you!

4- how to: get back up: they’re gonna push you, punch you in the face & and you’re gonna get right back up. Show people your talents — don’t tell. Nobody cares, especially not tiger mom —-about your talking — show me something good.

5- kaizen: you’ve got to continuously improve as the Japanese do — there is nor start of finish line in the race of life— we all start at the same mark— but those who are more talented & willing to take the beating & get right back up—— the adversity is real. 

Now, go crush your work week — tiger mom doesn’t care about pity — she doesn’t care about your ego— she def doesn’t care about your social feed —-she wants you to leave a real #legacy— something tangible & real — one so grand —- she’d be proud to call you her child. 

Please keep in  mind: all of my notes are free, actionable — take it or leave it: check out my new book Kintsugi Wellness!

its the perfect gift for self-love + acceptance, healing + humility. 


See you: On The Today Show July 9th + Dr Oz July 16th!!  love you xxx ck