It is the beginning of the podcast launch and my whole life. I first want to share why I started this podcast.. my whole career has been a waiting game... and I have made it to a point where I no longer wanted to wait for other people at the top, that had all the money and comfort they needed, to make decisions about my career .. it was time to take my career into my own hands.. and that's exactly what I did. thanks for your support on the launch of wabi sabi:

What you will learn more about is my past history of my childhood, my past  and my journey to writing 6 books and becoming what Elle mag calls me--"the golden girl of wellness." I’ll dive into how I was raised as a mixed kid and how I always felt so different. I want us all to note that my life and your life are both and all perfectly imperfect. There is a pathos to life, many ups and downs and that we can all accept so much more of what we cannot help.

In Japanese we call this "shikata ga ai" 

- How mom and dad met, a true love story  - Check only one box -- why did I have to do this as a kid? Especially when some of us are not "one" ethnicity - Modeling -- I worked as a model from 15-28 all over the US + in Asia   - Culinary School at 22 years old -- education is key! + I paid for my education by fit modeling + it took me almost 10 years to pay the loan off in full - Top Chef - I helped to pioneer with the first season  - Cook Yourself Thin -- NY Times #1 Bestselling book at 26 years old  - Getting an Agent -- this is crucial if you  - Pretty Delicious -- my first solo cookbook at 26 years old  - Moving back to my parents' house -- tough times! - Instagram questions! Send me yours now on my comments for next episodes! - Advice from my Japanese mom (she is legit the ultimate Sensei) -- Wabi Shikata ga nai

more coming on episodes 3-13 coming each week! 

comment on my IG me all your notes and questions, too! 

thanks for subscribing xxx always wabi sabi, ck