Previous Episode: The pilot is officially up!
Next Episode: VwV Mini: All About You

-Please, don't listen if you haven't read "Breaking Dawn."-

-A little before/after mini on my reactions towards "Breaking Dawn."
-Squee! "Breaking Dawn!"
-My plans to read the book.

I talk about our first episode; numero uno.

-"I was bitten by "Breaking Dawn""
-New footage from the "Twilight" film, I ponder the thought.
-Number 4!

-Cool & calm; all the way.

-Poor Jake! (I laugh, as I go back and edit, at my comments on Jake's imprinting.)

-I quote, quotes.
-Squee! Too cool, too cool.
-I ramble...Too excited and sleepy. Squee...Yawn.

-Edward sparkles, I sparkle.

-I read so much, my mom told me my eyes were going to pop out of my head.
-My warnings. Scary.

-Oh. My. Gosh.
-"This book was...Awesome!"

-I talk clues and foreshadowing.

-Way to go guys! = D My somewhat new feelings towards Jake and Edward; thoughts on Bella too.

-Make up you're freaking mind!

-The choice to change.
-"I want to be a vampire, Carlisle!

-Jake's ways with words & humor.


-Rate and review us on iTunes, please. Thanks for listening, see you next episode!
(A song I forgot: "Here it goes again"_ OK GO.)