Hullo all,

Corrine & I are proud and excited to announce...The time has finally come! After a lot of hard work and determination, "Voyages with Vampires" is finally ready to go! We've been wanting to do this for a very, very long time and now it's finally happening.

I'll post the second it's up on iTunes and you can check out the show notes below.
Thanks so much!
Toodles & Stay Fierce,

VwV1: "Out with the old, in with the new!"
For our pilot episode we…
-Intro and discuss “Wine Red” by The Hush Sound.

-A miracle!

-Our last random ramblings…Or our first?
-We discuss our plans for our future show.
-We have commitment issues.

-We talk hair.

-Ego, oh dear.

-Bloodsuckers, Imprint, Mugglecast, Pottercast- we love ‘em all!
- We dream about podcasting with “Bloodsuckers.”

-Jacob and Jessica forever!!!
-Corrine threatens the Jacob/Bella lovers. We apologize in advance…

-Jesper, Jasper’s new name. Yup.

-We discuss the connection between “Red Wine,” Bella and Edward, and Adam and Eve. Even what viewers of think.

-Stay tuned at the end for our mini blooper reel!

-Please excuse the annoying buzzing sound, we’re working on it. Thanks for listening past it!

-Please also visit our blogspot for everything “Voyages With Vampires!” Also, rate and review us on iTunes, pretty please. Thanks much, we’ll see you next episode!