Join host Sean Astin for an in-depth discussion and analysis following President Obama’s State of the Union address.

Tonight's Guest: Political Commentator Ron Christie (@Ron_Christie)

Ron Christie is Founder and CEO of Christie Strategies LLC, a full-service communications and issues management firm in Washington, D.C.  Christie is also the author of three books.  His most recent title, Blackwards: How Black Leadership is Returning America to the Days of Separate But Equal was published in September 2012.  His two previous books were Acting White: The Birth and Death of a Racial Slur (2010, St. Martin’s Press) and Black in the White House (2006, Thomas Nelson/Nelson Current).   Christie served as a Resident Fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government Institute of Politics for the Fall 2011 term at Harvard University. He is also a Co-Founder of – a non-partisan group seeking real policy solutions in Washington, D.C. Along with former Gov. Jon Huntsman, Christie is a guest host of No Labels Radio heard each Saturday on Sirius XM POTUS Channel 124. He also is a Columnist at The Daily

As a frequent commentator on current political events, Christie served as a political commentator for BBC Worldwide Television for their global 2012 election night coverage.  He has appeared as a political/legal analyst on The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, Real Time with Bill Maher, Lou Dobbs Tonight, Hardball with Chris Matthews, Fox News Sunday, Hannity, The O'Reilly Factor, and The Tavis Smiley Show.  Christie also serves as a Political Contributor for National Public Radio.