The Wanderer: Not All Who Wander Are Lost.

Here we go! If Voxology is the record, the Wanderer is the b-sides. In this first episode, Dr. Timothy Gombis and Timothy John Stafford kick off the the first episode of this mini series on U2 and theology with a conversation about their personal histories with the band. Both Tims discuss how their interaction with the band and their music in many ways mimicked their own personal faith journeys. This is an introduction to a deeper dive into the thematic content of U2. They begin a conversation on lyrical content and album narratives and how they speak about scripture, God and the human experience with both.

This will be a three episode mini series, and the first of several topical conversations that will be had under the moniker of the Wanderer. 

You can listen to all the songs mentioned in this episode here: The Wanderer - U2 Playlist

Tim Gombis's podcast, Faith Improvised can be found here: iTunes & Spotify

Thanks for Wandering with us.

The Wanderer is part of the Voxology Podcast

The opening music is The Longest Line, by Timothy John Stafford. It is from the EP Letters From Lancaster Prison.