LIVE Questions - Soulmates, Who does God Answer?, and Masturbation.
1 I'm am a Christian woman and in my mid thirties and have been single for a long time and the fact that I'm not married is really hard to deal with sometimes. I want to be married more than anything to take away the sting of loneliness I unfortunately have become addicted to masturbating. I'm scared to death that because of this God won't bless me with a husband. Can and will god still bless me with a godly man even if I'm struggling in this area
2. I have a boyfriend that is so self-less and has demonstrated the kind of things that you mentioned in your podcast about being the head sacrificer (?) and not giving into the stereotypical roles of the man and woman. However, he thinks that soul mates exist. He thinks that we are really good for each other and that we have helped each other become a better person, but he wants the "feeling" in his soul that we are soul mates. I don't believe in soul mates. I think that God puts people together and love is what you make of it with work. There are feelings between both of us, but he says not "that" feeling. I can't believe in soul mates because what happens if you miss them? We have both been divorced and the thought of soul mates to me just says I wasn't good enough to be given that soul mate and if I was married when I met my soul mate, did I miss that and now just have no one? What are your thoughts biblically about soul mates and marriage and even relationships and what are relationships for if not to help each other be the best possible version of themselves they can be?
3. I'm struggling with how to resolve things during times when tragedy strikes. For example, many kids were killed during the Columbine tragedy. Parents lost kids and other parents' kids were spared. For the ones that were spared, the parents thanked God for watching over their kids and protecting them. For the parents whose kids were killed...does this mean God wasn't watching over their kids and didn't protect them? On the surface it seems like it is easy to give God credit for the good things, but what about the bad things? How can one give God credit for the good and yet not blame him or hold God responsible for the bad? I'm working to resolve this, but it seems to take a lot of mental gymnastics to get there.

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