Previous Episode: 374 - Man Up!
Next Episode: 376 - Man Down!

How to be a Christian Nationalist. Today, we are joined by author, Holy Post CoHost, friend of the podcast and one of our favorite guests, Kaitlyn Schiess, to discuss Christian Nationalism and our place within it. What is a Pastor's roll in speaking on national events or issues? How do they establish trust with that? What is our expectation of them? How do those of us who are against the idea of Christian Nationalism engage? How do we understand and navigate the Holy Spirit? How do we know what is a prompting or how to understand or decipher it's movements??? This is a really wonderful conversation with Kaitlyn!

Kaitlyn Schiess can be found here:

Introduction: 0:00

Conversation with Kaitlyn: 02:57

Previous Episodes with Kaitlyn: Midnight Mass & The Liturgy of Politics

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Music in this episode by Timothy John Stafford

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