According to a new poll, President Trump has a HUGE lead against all the other GOP candidates. He's beating DeSantis by 30 points and decimating Nikki Haley by a whopping 60 points. 

PLUS: The Wall Street Journal's new bombshell report says the Dept of Energy concluded that COVID-19 leaked from a lab. In addition, the FBI this week came to the same conclusion. 

Remenber when they called Trump a conspiracy theorist for saying the same thing?

Lori Lightfoot, the horrifically bad mayor of Chicago, got crushed in her bid for reelection. Now she is saying that she lost because she is a 'black woman'. 

You cannot make this stuff up. 

The Washington Post says that Pete Buttigieg was lying when he blamed the Ohio train derailment on Trump. Iran is only 12 days away from building a nuclear weapon. The city of New York is spending $92 billion on hotels for illegals.