Throughout history, the Jewish nation, and Israel, never falters - regardless of what happens. Always celebrating and standing tall. And we are seeing that now, amid ongoing protests, threats of war, terrorism, a problematic government, Israelis are standing resilient and strong, honoring and memorializing Yom Hashoa, and partying on Yom Hatzmaut, Israel Independence Day.

Discussing this and more, Baila Sebrow, producer and host of The Definitive Rap interviewed Marc Schulman, publisher at Editor of,, and a Newsweek Columnist. Pursuing his three main interests, love of history, technology, and concern for the future of the Jewish people, for the past 20 years Marc has managed to successfully combine starting a growing a company that develops multimedia history products, and developing the world’s largest history website.

Marc talked about Israel’s recent tragic terrorist attacks, the Iranian drone that was downed over the Golan Heights, and missiles fired. Throughout this period of turmoil, demonstrations continue against the government’s planned judicial reforms, and yet most other countries would just let their Independence Day come and go. But not the Israelis! He explained to what was going in Israel on this festive day.  

Marc discussed the broadcasted shocking poll for the new government, and what the polls indicated. He shared his opinion about the signing of an agreement between Israel and
Poland that will allow the continuation of youth trips.

Marc discussed in great detail about the economic situation in Israel right now, including inflation, and Israel’s position on the war between Russia and Ukraine.

The interview concluded with Marc’s explanation about being an Apple Developer since 1983, and what his company has done recently in the advancement of technology.