There are lots of authors out there who write fictional stories. There are good books, and then there are books that not only do they talk to you, but when you close that book after you are done reading you are left with a passion and desire for justice, and doing what is right and just, not only for the characters in the book, but for society. 

Baila Sebrow from The Definitive Rap Show sat down with the the celebrated award-winning novelist, journalist and playwright, Naomi Ragen. Her first book, Jephte’s Daughter was listed among the one-hundred most important Jewish books of all time. Her best selling novels include Sotah, The Covenant, The Sisters Weiss, Devil in Jerusalem, and others.

Naomi is an outspoken advocate for women’s rights, and active warrior against anti-Israel and anti-Semitic propaganda, and has lived in Jerusalem since 1971. 

Naomi spoke about a recurring theme in her books regarding injustice against women, and she went into detail why it inspires her to do that. She discussed the books she wrote, including Jephte’s Daughter, and also Sotah, and The Sacrifice of Tamar, where she bravely brings topics to the forefront that are taboo in the Orthodox Jewish community, and what encouraged her to go down that lane on those subjects.

Naomi’s book The Devil in Jerusalem is a gripping story of obsession and child abuse within a Charedi community, where she tackled that issue.

 Naomi mentioned how certain publishing houses change the wording of their Bible’s translation to fit in with their religious beliefs. 

The interview concluded with her latest book and sequel, and Naomi shared which book has had the most emotional impact on her.