As the midterms draw near, the question is not IF there will be a red wave, but how massive the wave will be. Will the Republicans pick up 55 Senate seats (or more)? Will Zeldin upset Hochul? 

The NYT and other media outlets are relentlessly focused on Kanye. Yet they ignore BDS supporters like Ilhan Omar, AOC, and antisemites like Sharpton and Farrakhan. Why the bogus double standard?

Steve Bannon is going to jail for not testifying before Congress. Yet mo Democrat has ever gone to jail for this offense. Ilhan Omar spends tens of thousands in campaign funds on private security, while telling us to defund the police. The new Democrat strategy to avoid a bloodbath in the midterms is to claim that high crime a Republican hoax. President Biden tapping into oil reserves is a selfish move which helps him politically (maybe) but throws the country under the bus.