Hunter Biden, the cocaine addict who took millions from China and Ukraine, but did not pay taxes on the money, nor did he delare himself a foreign lobbyist. He also lied on a gun application about his drug use--will not spend one day in jail. 

The system is so rigged

A new Hunter Biden text message surfaced, devastating to Joe Biden. In 2017, Hunter threatened a Chinese energy exec, and said that he was with his father. This contradicts Joe Biden's repeated claims that he had no knowledge of Hunter's business dealings.

PLUS: The Defense memo that Trump was supposedly bragging about in a recording--is NOT included in the indictment. There is no evidence that Trump ever possessed the document, the FBI did not find it among thousands of documents. 

ALSO: Pentagon makes yet another accoutning error, to the tune of $6 billion in Ukraine's favor. Eric Adams sent illegals to other states. Ah the hypocrisy.