This week, the founders of ‘Red Sea Singles’ joined Yaakov M to discuss their exciting new shidduch program.

Zach and Eli, two single young men, launched this initiative to encourage kosher hotels to host shidduch-aged boys for free, if they agree to date girls staying at the hotel.

The program’s website gives the following mission statement: Red Sea Singles was founded with a single mission in mind. To help single shidduch-ages girls meet great guys in the casual, no-pressure setting Pesach retreats.”

Zach and Eli came up with the idea initially because they had no plans for Pesach. Both recently transitioned from yeshiva to the business world and took an entrepreneurial course, helping them focus on how to solve problems in creative ways. As they were brainstorming about Pesach plans, it occurred to them that bringing single boys to a kosher hotel would be a great way to help girls find their match, which could have huge repercussions for girls struggling to find a shidduch.

The two men recognized this could be a valuable strategy, enabling girls who would otherwise have difficulty finding dates to get onto the radar of eligible boys.

In addition, Eli and Zach envision Red Sea Singles as having the potential to help other girls who are struggling. They hope to expand their program to help out-of-town communities attract single boys to spend Shabbos, if they agree to date local girls while they are there.

In this interview, the two founders responded to claims made by a letter-writer to a news website, who felt this initiative is just a gimmick designed to exploit the Shidduch crisis for personal gain.