Frum lobbyist Ezra Friedlander, founder of the Friedlander Group, made headlines this week after tweeting photos of himself speaking with two controversial Islamic congress members, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.

Now he has spoken out, defending his encounter, and clarifying multiple misconceptions made by critics about his tweet and its true intent.

Many criticized Friedlander for communicating with the socialist BDS supporters who have a track record of making vicious antisemitic statements.Friedlander defended his encounter on the VIN Podcast, and insisted that he would do it again . He also was surprisingly accepting of the criticism and backlash he received.

Friedlander said, “That is the life I chose. I have learned that in the public square people will criticize, no skin off my back.”

In reference to his encounter and subsequent tweet implying that he wants to build a relationship, Ezra defended himself, saying, “I never said I wanted to develop a relationship, I said I laid the foundation for possible communication down the road.”

He added, “If you read my tweet, I did not set out on a mission to establish a relationship with Omar or Tlaib, that was not my intention, it is not my goal. I am a lobbyist who spends a considerable amount of time in Washington. I was invited to meet with Congressman Andre Carson, I was told he was going to be at an Iftar, and the person arranging the meeting asked me if I wanted to join at the Iftar, she brought me as a guest.”

“I asked her who was coming to the event, she said that there would be staffers as well as Muslim congress people, including Tlaib and Omar. I did not wake up and say I’m going to have a relationship with these 2 people. I walked into the room, it was not a big crowd, 50-60 people, they were walking around and I introduced myself.”

He continued, “It wasn’t a meeting, I said to myself and I believe it was the right thing to do, my objective is always to meet people and develop relationships with members of congress as a lobbyist.”

“There was an opportunity that presented itself, I introduced myself, I said there are obviously a lot of areas where I disagree with you, but you do have a powerful voice. I said that for a reason. Words matter.”

Friedlander also noted that he is not an askan or someone who represents a Jewish organization, rather a private businessman. “I’m not responsible for the entire Jewish community, I am my own person representing myself and my clients”

Asked about the squad members’ track record of anti-Jewish comments, he said,“It is obvious they have both made statements that are beyond the pale…it is inexcusable.”

He was asked if he thinks they are antisemites.

“The word antisemite means I hate you because you are a Jew. I don’t think they see a Jew and hate them. Most people have a certain level of prejudice…it is natural…when you use the word antisemite it is a very strong word and we use it so liberally…we have to be very careful how we use that word.”